Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The Toilers and the Wayfarers - Movies Online That I Can View

The Toilers and the Wayfarers is a movie that everyone can enjoy together.This is something not usually seen in movies of this type, so it makes it an unusual, yet pleasant experience.The movie is absolutely stunning and Christine Ayers deliver some award winning performances in this movie. I also think Daniel Ayers was great!

WATCH The Toilers and the Wayfarers ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE!

If you love watching Christine Ayers or Daniel Ayers, you are deffinetly going to want to watch The Toilers and the Wayfarers.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD The Toilers and the Wayfarers ONLINE!

Coming-of-age drama about two teenage boys who run away from their small, conservative Midwestern town to become street hustlers in Minneapolis.

CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO GET The Toilers and the Wayfarers ONLINE:

MOVIETITLEMACRO - Movies Online That I Can View

Watch A Preview Of The Toilers and the Wayfarers

You can get The Toilers and the Wayfarers at www.Amazon.com as well.



Girasoles Para Lucia - Unlimited Movie Download Sites - Best Sites For Downloading HD Quality Movies To Your Computer


MOVIETITLEMACRO - Unlimited Movie Download Sites - Best Sites For Downloading HD Quality Movies To Your Computer

A captivating, sentimental telenovela packed with desire, scheming, enchanting characters, and witty humor! The stunning and sweet Lucia Trevi (Gianella Neyra) has two dreams: become a famous Hollywood actress and win the heart of Jose Simon Landaeta (Pablo Martin), the country's most desirable bachelor. Like Cinderella, this cheery yet poor beauty believes that dreams can come true if you wish for them strongly enough. Finally she gets the opportunity she has longed for: contact with the distinguished Landaeta family, which brings her closer to the man of her dreams. Yet it is the charismatic Roberto Landaeta (Jorge Aravena), brother of arrogant Jose Simon, who falls in love with Lucia and hides his identity to conquer her heart without the influence of his fortune. And so begins the dangerous adventure that will force Lucia to choose her destiny.

Una telenovela cautivadora y sentimental con deseos ardientes y planes ocultos, llena de encanto y humor! La hermosa y dulce Lucia Trevi (Gianella Neyra) tiene dos suenos en la vida: convertirse en una famosa actriz de Hollywood y conquistar a Jose Simon Landaeta (Pablo Martin), el soltero mas codiciado del pais. Como la Cenicienta, esta chica alegre y dulce- pero pobre - piensa que los suenos si pueden realizarse si uno los desea con la suficiente intensidad. Quizas como recompensa por tanto optimismo, la vida le da a Lucia una oportunidad que anhela: entrar en contacto con la distinguida familia Landaeta y asi poder acercarse a su idolo. Aunque es el bondadoso y sencillo Roberto Landaeta (Jorge Aravena), hermano del arrogante y despreciativo Jose Simon, que se enamora de Lucia y oculta su identidad para poder conquistar a la bella joven sin influencia de su apellido. Asi comenzara una peligrosa aventura que llevara a Lucia hacia la realizacion de su mas ansiado sueno y la forzara escoger cual de los hermanos es su verdadero principe azul.


If you love watching Neyra or Aravena, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Girasoles Para Lucia.

Girasoles Para Lucia was an incredible movie! Both Neyra and Aravena were amazing! The great cast includes Neyra, Aravena, Martin, Isola.


Watch A Preview Of Girasoles Para Lucia

You can get Girasoles Para Lucia at www.Amazon.com too.


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