Friday, December 19, 2008


John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin - is Here!

CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO GET John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin ONLINE:


Sigourney Weaver and Edward Herrmann portray an affluent suburban couple whose empty and gin-fueled lives are observed through the eyes of their neglected, eight-year-old daughter in a teleplay adapted by playwright Wendy Wasserstein from John Cheever's short story. The tension and sadness behind the veneer of upper-class life in Shady Hill are at the heart of this insightful drama.

WATCH John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE!

If you love watching Baxter Harris or Eileen Heckart, you are deffinetly going to want to watch John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin.

John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin was an incredible movie! Both Baxter Harris and Eileen Heckart were amazing! The great cast includes Baxter Harris, Eileen Heckart, Edward Herrmann, Sigourney Weaver, Rachel Roberts.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin ONLINE!

Watch A Preview Of John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin

You can get John Cheever's The Sorrows of Gin at too.


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